More than words…

What a terrible, strange time. I'm writing this now because its been more than a year since I last posted and I think I might have some stuff to say in coming days. So this is basically just a check in, a staking of claim to this site again. I hope I'll have something more... Continue Reading →

Now we’re really cooking

Happy 2019, everyone! I hope the year has been good to you so far. This year, I decided not to make any big resolutions or anything else. We have a lot to do around the house, and as such, most of our plans will be focused on getting that stuff accomplished. I'm also hoping to... Continue Reading →


Summer and fall involve a lot of celebrations in my family - lots of birthdays (including my mother’s, which is tomorrow - happy birthday, Mom! Hope Spain is lovely!), lots of holidays, and our anniversaries (there’s two of them because we got married twice, one day after the other). This year, we celebrated Anniversaries #8,... Continue Reading →

Farm Festivities

My son, my darling, my adored one, just turned three last month. Three! We had quite a year with him being two, so we decided to have a victory/birthday party at his favourite place: a farm. This child has had a thing for farms since we took him to pick out a pumpkin on my... Continue Reading →

Botany 101

This past weekend was Mothers Day here in Canada (and I think in many other parts of the world).  All I ever ask for on that auspicious day is a cup of tea, a (gluten free) cupcake, and to be able to do whatever I please... and this year, I got my wish.  The day... Continue Reading →

A very good place to start

Happy 2018, friends! Given my last post of the 10 best things from 2017, I've decided to write down 10 things that I'd like to do in 2018 - let's not call them resolutions, though, perhaps just leave it as a to-do list as things seem more likely to happen that way. See more of Canada, or... Continue Reading →

For Auld Lang Syne

Once again, we find ourselves here in the middle of Christmas, hardly believing that a year has gone by since the last time we celebrated this holiday.  I hope that this finds you all well and enjoying the best that the season has to offer... and all the beautiful snow that will become annoying snow as... Continue Reading →

A Kid at the Cottage

We took our son to my family's cottage for the first time in his life this year.  I'd delayed it until this year due to my own anxieties about dangers both real and imagined that could potentially lurk in the relative wilderness (despite my having spent so much time there as a child myself... I didn't say... Continue Reading →

A Fresh Start

September of 2017.  Sounds like a good place to begin. 2017's been a big year for us already.  We bought a house and moved in, and are now in the process of making it our own.  We were lucky enough to have found a place that was move-in ready, and so really what we're doing... Continue Reading →

An introduction

Why, hello there. My name is Devyn, and this is my new/old blog, Desperately Seeking Sustenance.  I’m a wife and mother in my mid-30s, living in beautiful downtown Toronto, Canada.  I have a day job where I sit at a desk and think about things, so this is my side hustle, without much of the... Continue Reading →

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